Light Language to Release the Old During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is an astrological event that significantly influences your life. This period, marked by the apparent backward movement of Mercury, sends ripples of cosmic energy that have a tangible impact on Earth. Among all planetary retrogrades, Mercury is one to watch closely.

During this phase, it may feel as though life has taken a detour into more challenging experiences. You might feel a sense of disconnection or face sudden, unforeseen complications.

Thankfully there are effective tactics you can adopt to navigate these turbulent times more smoothly.

In addition to listening to the transmission above, dive into this blog post to understand Mercury retrograde. And uncover the silver linings hidden within this astrological event.

What is Mercury Retrograde

First, a retrograde occurs when a planet appears to move backward in its usual path across the night sky. This appearance is an illusion because the planets themselves do not switch course. It is only from the perspective on Earth, that this seemingly backward movement is visible.

Mercury rules over a few areas including communication and self-expression. Throughout Mercury retrograde, disturbances in communication are frequent, alongside technological issues.

Mercury retrograde happens three to four times a year, with each retrograde spanning three to four weeks in duration.

Given the regular occurrence, mastering how to navigate the energies is key to overcoming its challenges.

How to Survive Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde serves as a period for slowing down. Offering a chance to pause, refresh, reconsider, let go, and heal from the past.

Expect everything to slow down. Plan according to what this retrograde is bringing into your life, and the entire phase will feel easier.

Communication Challenges

The period of Mercury retrograde is frequently linked to difficulties in communication. Including times when conversations between individuals may become scarce.

To help prevent misunderstandings, it is wise to double-check your messages before sending or sharing them. Along with taking extra care while reading communications to ensure you understand the true meaning. These simple precautions can avert miscommunications and help maintain your relationships.

Nevertheless, this phase can also lead to an increase in communication under certain conditions. Specifically, for relationships that have experienced a prior lack of communication. In these cases, it might stimulate renewed discussions. Do not be surprised if you hear from someone that you have not heard from for a while.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of possible communication errors during this time. Such as emails or messages somehow getting lost or looked over by mistake.

Issues with Electronics and Technology

Electronics and technology might also face disruptions during this phase. Anticipate these glitches and prepare accordingly. You might notice more frequent issues with your devices. Such as appliance breakdowns or unstable internet connections.

Furthermore, ensure you back up files before the onset of Mercury retrograde. Daily backups during this time are essential to safeguard against losing any important data.

Helpful Tips for Surviving and Thriving

The challenges encountered during this retrograde often stem from its energy. Prompting you to reassess aspects of your life, encouraging personal growth and understanding.

Mercury retrograde is meant to serve as a beneficial reflection period in your life, rather than a source of turmoil or difficulty.

Follow these tips to sail through this phase with more ease:
  • Review and reassess goals and desires that you aim to draw into your life
  • Re-establish contact with a former friend
  • Maintain daily backups of critical documents
  • Exercise heightened caution in every communicative exchange
  • Refrain from initiating new ventures
  • Avoid making important decisions
  • Delay signing any important documents
  • Dedicate time to unwind in nature
  • Engage in deep reflection
  • Strategize your next steps for when Mercury resumes direct motion
  • Dedicate time to recuperate and recharge
  • Release outdated emotions, thoughts, and habits
  • Embark on a journey of healing from past experiences

How Light Language Assists You During Retrograde

Light language is a wonderful tool for when Mercury and other planets are in retrograde.

The energies within light language assist your energetic system in dissolving heavy energies. While removing blocks and old wounds from the past. Additionally, light language supplies you with new light so you feel better.

Listen to the light language transmission above as often as needed. And as many times in a row as needed to release old energies.

Now is an optimal time to focus on deeper healing with the retrograde supporting you in healing deeper wounds. Explore more light language transmissions to find which transmissions you need most in the present moment.
Sending you love and sparkly light,
Calligraphy Heart
About the author

Brenda Lott

Channeler of light language, healing energies, and messages from higher dimensions. 
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